As we romour aroud o social media let ot forget Violence Against Children

Lubulwa Henry sometimes back asked me whether I can do away with social media, the answer is YES. I have spent some days offline and proved that it is highly possible.

Today, while at #TheBalcony I switched on my phone data and went through messages and discussions in several WhatsApp groups and on Facebook.

A lot can happen in span of one week! From Bank of Uganda confusing saga, to Maama Fiina, then Uganda cranes' victory. Then there I saw photos of the installation of President Luwaga Brian(Mukulikeyo).

Many things are happening left, right and centre, but I will share a vice which is sadly becoming part of society and it seems we are no longer bothered. Am talking about Violence Against Children(VAC).

Recently, I visited a number of schools in Lwengo, Masaka, and Kalungu districts. I shared with children and listened to their plight. Children are silently and continuously being subjected to physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect. Bullying and sexual abuse being the commonest in both primary and secondary school.

The schools are no longer safe for children but the homes are no better. Was it a week ago when Magembe Farish shared a scary story of a man who raped his nine-year-old daughter? What went wrong? Moses Muwulya are we being punished by God? But then why?

The vice is not only experience in the mentioned districts; a recent report by UNICEF shows that 43 percent of children have experienced bullying with prevalence rate being higher in primary schools (46 percent) compared to secondary (31 percent). Sex violence, especially against girls, is wide spread with 78 percent of primary school and 82 percent of the secondary school student experiencing sexual abuse while at school.

Note: Starting from today, I intend to post TheBalcony (Facebook) content on this blog


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