As we romour aroud o social media let ot forget Violence Against Children

Lubulwa Henry sometimes back asked me whether I can do away with social media, the answer is YES. I have spent some days offline and proved that it is highly possible. Today, while at # TheBalcony I switched on my phone data and went through messages and discussions in several WhatsApp groups and on Facebook. A lot can happen in span of one week! From Bank of Uganda confusing saga, to Maama Fiina, then Uganda cranes' victory. Then there I saw photos of the installation of Pres ident Luwaga Brian (Mukulikeyo). Many things are happening left, right and centre, but I will share a vice which is sadly becoming part of society and it seems we are no longer bothered. Am talking about Violence Against Children(VAC). Recently, I visited a number of schools in Lwengo, Masaka, and Kalungu districts. I shared with children and listened to their plight. Children are silently and continuously being subjected to physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect. Bullying...