Rwanda, American Tourist and What We Learn from Digital Diplomacy

Cartoon by Ogon Recently I saw an amusing cartoon in papers visualizing a twitter communication between the US President Donald trump and President Yoweri K Museveni. The cartoon creates a situation where the two leaders appear to be exchanging the would be diplomatic communication in public space. President Trump using his twitter called upon his Uganda counterpart to expedite the arrest of thugs who had kidnapped an American tourist from Queen Elizabeth National Game Park. At least according to the cartoon, president Museveni appeared be reading Matthew 7:3 why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? interesting! For the past decade, digital diplomacy which has been defined the growing use of social media platforms by a country, or say an actor, in order to achieve foreign policy goals and proactively manage its image and reputation (as Manor and Segev, 2015) has been developing so fast with a...