Of Bihogo Cow and EAC’s White Elephant; A Letter to My Friend in Masaka

Dear Ivan, From my Primary Five social studies, I can clearly recall our uncle, a term we used to refer to teachers back in days, teaching us about what could have led to the collapse of the East African Federation. I may not list them all here, but the principal will remain that for any effect there is a cause just like the death of a ‘mere cow’- Bihogo led to the fall of the great Chwezi empire. Historians note that the Chwezi empire and dynasty was an extremely vast and likely to have been covering the entirety of West, South and Central Uganda, along with some parts of Kenya,Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Since my primary five, I have been wondering why something small like cow led to the collapse of the praised demigods’ empire? There have been efforts to make the East African block a single federation all way from 1917. This begun with the establishment of customs unions between Kenya and Uganda which Tanzania, then Tanganyika...