Fighting cervical cancer: Mothers need knowledge empowerment

Cervical cancer is avoidable, if concern is taken. I will thus insensitively say that ‘cervical cancers kill lazy women’. But because of inadequate affordable screening centers, I revoke my insensitive comment and instead demand for dispersed screening centers. Ladies can go for screening as well as teaching them about cervical cancer, which boast of claiming lives of mothers in Uganda. Doing so will empower them especially with knowledge about the ailment. The A-Z about cervical cancer Cervical cancer is a condition where there is uncontrolled growth of some cells in the mouth of the womb, call it cervix. This uncontrolled cells growth spreads to other organs, interfering with normal body functions. Its spread is slow, and all this time, one may not experience any pain, or irregular bleeding. Pain only presents when the disease has already spread to other parts of the body, making it hard to treat it. Cervical cancer ...